Just shy of a sexy Italian fling

by Stephanie Meyer

July 2, 2024

Picture this:

Diane Lane as Frances Mayes in Under the Tuscan Sun, after she's impulsively purchased a 300-year old villa and hired a sweet crew of misfits to repair and renovate her new old home.

After a rocky start, the days slowly turn golden. Heartbroken Frances and the rundown villa gradually recover together. Walls are demolished, decades of dust is chased away, and sparkling windows are thrown open to sunshine, warm breezes, and the scent of jasmine, rosemary, and lavender.

And Frances? How does she glow-up? She starts cooking!

First for the construction crew, for whom she makes glorious platters of food each day for lunch. Pastas, roasts, cheeses, salads, she cooks her way back to herself and into their hearts...and eventually into the hearts of the locals, too. They think she's crazy for renovating the villa but are charmed by her joy in sharing meals and the way she leans into her new life, which wouldn't be about Tuscany at all without scenes of olive harvesting, star-crossed lovers, moped rides, and a sexy Italian fling.

The color returns to her face. She starts laughing again. She starts writing again. (And thank goodness - Under the Tuscan Sun is based on a true story. If you haven't treated yourself to the book, you should. It's quite different than the movie and bonus - it's loaded with recipes!)

I myself can't begin to count the number of times I've cooked myself through stress, grief, endings, beginnings, and other life transitions. (Minus an Italian villa...so far...)

We already know that creativity and art improve mental health.

"Whether it's part of a class or something you experience in your everyday life, art can help: Increase serotonin levels. Increase blood flow to the part of the brain associated with pleasure. Foster new ways of thinking. Relieve depression."

That quote is via the Mayo Clinic, which makes me extra love it. When healthcare institutions acknowledge the healing powers of art, we're on a good path.

Cooking is my art and touchstone and love language. It's how I take care of myself and the people that I cherish and I love that I get to do it several times per day.

Doubling down on nourishment - and making it beautiful - are how I heal my heart as well as my body and I pour all of what I've learned into my coaching and recipes.

That might imply that I spend my time buried in cookbooks preparing complicated, elaborate meals.

I've certainly done plenty of that in my life - it's a wonderful way to learn how to cook. I haven't cooked my entire way through Mastering the Art of French Cooking a la Julie and Julia, but I've put a good dent in it!

No, these days I find the greatest joy in simple cooking. I find it healthier, and more fun, and honestly more creatively challenging.

I love to reverse engineer my favorite dishes and desserts, keep the flavors I love most, but pare back and/or elevate the ingredients so the final dishes support my - and your - health.

Pre-pandemic, I hosted private batch cooking sessions where I taught my process - with a focus on simple, flavorful cooking - in my home and it was so special.

My kitchen was small but mighty and I spent cozy several afternoons cooking with old and new friends, braising, simmering, seasoning, tasting, and talking through knife skills, shortcuts, food storage, and nutrition while we cooked.

Back then, I could only invite one person at a time.

These days, I can invite two, so if you'd like to grab a friend or partner (feel free to split the cost) and spend an afternoon in my home cooking with me, click below to read more and grab a spot.

I'm only offering 5 total sessions, since I also teach private classes in homes and corporate settings.

I can't offer a moped ride, or the scent of jasmine, but we'll definitely chop fragrant herbs and garlic, share snacks and sips, listen to music and chat, and batch cook lovely, healthful food for you to take home and enjoy all week long.

A last thought on the healing power of creativity, whether in the form of cooking or any other art:

“You have treasures hidden within you — extraordinary treasures — and so do I, and so does everyone around us. And bringing those treasures to light takes work and faith and focus and courage and hours of devotion, and the clock is ticking, and the world is spinning, and we simply do not have time anymore to think so small.” - Elizabeth Gilbert, from Big Magic, the most wonderful read if you're in a slump and needing to remember that creativity and art are imperative to us all.

I love James Clear and his book Atomic Habits. I've mentioned it here before and I certainly will again. If you want to change anything in your life for the better, understanding how the human brain forms habits is imperative.

And systems. I also love systems. It probably arises from my overall impatience, which doesn't always serve me well, but in this case just might. Inefficiency drives me nuts and that works to my and your benefit.

It's why sharing recipes on my blog Fresh Tart wasn't quite enough. I could see that people who wanted to change their health needed a system for eating healthy food every day, not just occasionally.

And so I created Project Vibrancy Meals meal plans, which create fast, healthy meals for most days of the week.

And then meal plans weren't quite enough, I could see that people needed to understand the formula for creating satiety and nutrient density all day long, no matter where they were eating, if they really wanted to change their health.

And so I created Project Vibrancy Coaching, so I could take the time to teach and support clients with a system they can take anywhere.

A well-designed system should remove the burden of constant decision making, which is exhausting.

It should also remove the burden of constantly expending willpower. Don't get me wrong, strong willpower is an incredible and useful skill, one that is usually based in making decisions from purpose and values. The stronger your purpose, the stronger your willpower.

But it's also a huge energy drain so it makes sense to create systems that make good-for-you decisions simple and expending willpower occasional, not constant.

Some James Clear-esque ideas for saving yourself energy by building small systems:

To continue reading ideas for building small systems, a killer recipe for Toasted Sesame Rice Krispie Bars (perfect for a July 4th picnic), upgrade your subscription to paid. Your subscription helps me keep sharing content, ideas, resources, recipes, and more! Thank you so much for your support, it means the world to me.

Below are links to my favorite July 4th recipe links:

No-Fail Pork Ribs
Pork Carnitas
Roasted Pineapple Salsa
Broccoli Salad
Kale Salad
Maple Bourbon Panna Cotta

The ribs and carnitas are so great for a group. Both can be made ahead. The ribs crisp up beautifully on a grill. Ditto the carnitas, or run them quickly under the broiler.

Both salads can also be made ahead and taste great even after sitting on a buffet.

Panna Cotta - with strawberries and you could add blueberries too for obvious reasons - is cold and light and creamy, all things that are welcome at a barbecue. And so pretty too!

I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing holiday.

Tomorrow I'll be sharing a couple of NA cocktail recipes - for a Rhubarb Margarita and a Rhubarb Gin Rickey (Rhickey!) - both made with zero-proof spirits. Make sure you're following me on Instagram so you see the post. I'll send an email reminder too.

Both drinks are perfect for enjoying all day long without overindulging or wiping yourself out. If you just happen to be grocery shopping today, grab a pound of rhubarb and plenty of limes and lemons!

Talk soon,

xoxo Stephanie

Want help knowing how to eat to beat cravings, easily prepare healthy and delicious meals, stop wasting food, and boost your energy so you feel and look...dare I say...vibrant?

Great! Start here for everything I offer.

🍳 FREE 30 Grams of Protein Breakfasts (click here)

🥑 Kickass Condiments Ebook (so beloved, steal it here)

🍎 Coaching in Four 1:1 Sessions Including Meal Plans + Recipes (check for availability)

🍝 Project Vibrancy Meals Meal Plans (check for availability)

🥗 The 30-Minute Paleo Cookbook (grab it here)

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