Sun's out burnout?

by Stephanie Meyer

July 29, 2024

Stress has been the topic of the month for July - with clients, friends, family, and in my own head. It shouldn't surprise me, this happens every summer, but my brain is still hard-wired from childhood to think that summer is carefree and relaxing.

Even though it hasn't been either of those things since I was like 10 years old.

Perhaps it's a Midwest thing, that because of our long, cold winters we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to get outside, eat outside, play outside, listen to music outside, attend festivals, host barbecues, grow our own food, hit up farmers markets, visit family, vacation with friends, go camping, go to class reunions, attend 10 weddings, hit the state fair, swim and bike and kayak and and...

...pfffffffft. Major burnout. Much worse than I see over the holidays, actually.

Of course these activities are wonderful summery fun! It's just that when you feel crushed by the fun, on top of the everyday stress of work, kids/kids sports, caring for family members, and keeping up a home, it can create a humid, sweaty shitshow.'s your summer going?

There's a bit of cheekiness in there but not too much, because the impact of stress on health is serious business. Chronic stress - even when it's "fun" - compromises sleep, causes weight gain (or prevents weight loss, even when you're really working at it), adversely affects blood pressure, can lead to drinking too much alcohol, can increase risk of anxiety and depression, compromises gut health, and increases risk for autoimmune disease.

Whew. That's a long list of yuck.

But while I can't change your work or family obligations (sorry!), I can suggest a few places where you might be piling even more stress onto yourself in the name of pursuing health, and these are in your control.

Are you doing any of these?

Working out too much. Yep, I see this all the time. If you're resistance training 3 times per week, doing HIIT workouts several times per week, walking 10,000 steps per day, and playing tennis or going for long bike rides on your "rest" days, on top of work and parenting and a busy social life, that is way too much.

Overtraining is very stressful for your body and can show up as fatigue, bloating, weight gain (especially around your waist), hair shedding, acne, hormone swings, low mood, constant hunger (or loss of appetite), soreness and joint pain, getting sick often, and depression.

To read the rest of the list of sneaky stressors, as well as tips for bringing stress down enough to see progress in your healthy efforts, upgrade to a paid subscription. Thank you for supporting my work and the free content I share on social media, in Zoom presentations, and in my emails. I spend hours digesting health information to share with you and your support means the world to me.

In somewhat the same vein - as in, fun but not so fun that it's creating a new level of stress - I worked with Pure & Clear Minnesota Ice to develop two simple, gorgeous zero-proof cocktails for summer sipping!

Soooooo many of my clients are cutting back on alcohol and want suggestions for what to sub in for wine and cocktails while losing weight, building muscle, managing stress (theme!), improving sleep, improving anxiety and/or depression symptoms, getting off the hormone roller coaster, preventing migraines, and/or wanting better energy and brainpower.

After the age of 35, both men and women - but particularly women - metabolize alcohol much less effectively. But drinking less doesn't mean you have to miss out on fresh, complex sips on a hot summer evening!

In the Twin Cities, we're so lucky to have Marigold Bottle Shops. There's a whole new world of NA spirits to explore and they do such a beautiful job of making recommendations, letting you taste before you buy, and offering guidance on how to create lovely drinks. They even offer mocktails while you shop!

The spirits that I worked with can be picked up at Marigold, ordered off their website, or ordered online from other vendors.

I love rhubarb in cocktails so I began with gorgeous rhubarb simple syrup. Look at that color! It's so simple (!) and fun to make. From there I created a spicy/smoky Rhubarb Margarita and a fizzy/tart Gin Rhickey.

Click below for the free recipes! If you live in the Twin Cities, you can pick up stunning, crystal-clear Minnesota Ice at many liquor stores and grocery stores. If you're outside the Twin Cities, you can order ice from the Minnesota Ice website to be delivered.


I want to loop back around to the summer wedding rave for a second, especially if you've been asked to make a toast and you're feeling a bit stressed about it.

Heartfelt, funny toasts are so memorable, I often think back on hilarious-yet-touching toasts from my sister's wedding, my son's wedding, and my own too. I'm not going to lie, I think back on the not-so-great ones as well, funny in their own way and definitely part of our family lore.

But let's focus on the great ones! Because the theme here is eliminating stress!

And so, if you have an important toast approaching, let me introduce you to Samantha Anderson, who just so happens to be my daughter-in-law. Sam is an outstanding toastmaster, to such a degree that friends and family members started asking her for help when they were pulling together ideas for a speech, eulogy, or wedding toast.

I actually heard about Sam's knack for observation, humor, and witty turns of phrase before I met her. She and my son Nathan went to the same college and he kept mentioning how much he enjoyed this hilarious columnist in the university student newspaper.

When they met in person at the beginning of sophomore year, he recognized her name from the column and felt a bit starstruck. The can probably guess. They fell in love, graduated together, got married a few years ago, and just bought their first home.

Since graduating, Sam has helped enough people mold their own memorable turns of phrase to decide to officially put out a shingle and offer her services as a speechcrafter-for-hire. I'm obviously biased, but I absolutely love this idea and of course, I love her brain and talent. Public speaking is sheer terror for so many, so if you're in need, click here to read more and contact her.

This recipe for Beef Braised in Coconut Milk is such a batch-cooking beauty. It's one of the most popular recipes on my blog, Fresh Tart, for good reason.

Braising beef in coconut milk guarantees such silky, beefy tenderness! The Thai-inspired spices and fresh herbs add layers of rich flavor. Serve over rice and/or in lettuce wraps.

As always, I'm on this health exploration journey with you. If you'd like a deeper, more tailored take on nutrition, perimenopause/menopause, weight loss, understanding cravings and rebellion, and entering a new and fabulous life stage with new moves to match, click below to work together so it actually happens.

xoxo Stephanie

PS I very quickly sold out the 5 private cooking classes I've offered in my home. I added two more spots and ONE REMAINS. If you'd like to batch cook with me and take home plenty of food for the week, grab your spouse or a friend and join me!

Want help knowing how to eat to beat cravings, easily prepare healthy and delicious meals, stop wasting food, and boost your energy so you feel and look...dare I say...vibrant?

Great! Start here for everything I offer.

🍳 FREE 30 Grams of Protein Breakfasts (click here)

🥑 Kickass Condiments Ebook (so beloved, steal it here)

🍎 Coaching in Four 1:1 Sessions Including Meal Plans + Recipes (check for availability)

🍝 Project Vibrancy Meals Meal Plans (check for availability)

🥗 The 30-Minute Paleo Cookbook (grab it here)

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Thank you for following along and working on your health right alongside me,

P.O. Box 50308, Minneapolis, MN 55405
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